41 Years of Democracy or 41 Years of PORIBAR TONTRO?

May 26, 2009
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – Declaration of Independence, December...

Muslim Americans Could Play a Positive Role in an Ethical Society

May 14, 2009
Muslim teachings have a lot to offer when it comes to bringing personal values into public life and how best to live together. Let us agree on this: we live in pluralistic societies and pluralism is an unavoidable fact. We...

A different and often forgotten class of veterans

May 10, 2009
This Memorial Day, let us give earnest thanks for the all the servicemen and women who have so bravely served and sacrificed themselves for our country so that we may enjoy liberty and freedom. And let us reflect upon and...

“Shubo Nabo Barsho” ~ Bengali New Year

April 14, 2009
(Bengali: নববর্ষ Nôbobôrsho (from Sanskrit Navavarsha=New Year) or Poela Boishakhi (পহেলা বৈশাখ Pôela Boishakhi or পয়লা বৈশাখ Pôela Boishakhi or Pohela Boishakhi, from Sanskrit= Pohela Vaisakhi) is the first day of the Bengali calendar, celebrated in both Bangladesh and West...

40 Years of Democracy

March 25, 2009
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – Declaration of Independence, December...

Amar Shonai Shohaga Bangladesh

February 21, 2009
Population of Bangladesh estimated about 130 millions. Total Area of Bangladesh – 144,000 sq kilo meter.  Combination of Land: 133,910 square kilo meter and Water: 10,090 square kilo meter National Days of Bangladesh ~ » Martyrs Day (unforgettable February 21st)  » Independence Day (March 26th)  and Victory Day (December 16th)  89

“We can’t do everything but Everyone can do something”

January 6, 2009
My personal vision for my life is that I want to become a writer whose words become weapons to battle with violence and discrimination against improvised children’s, women and young girls. My voice is important for the voiceless who endure...
thomas davisthomas davis