Thank You President Obama!

Thank You, Mr. President, it has been a great privilege to work in ground alongside with some of the finest people in politics since you announced your candidacy for president of this great nation we call Home.

I know it will be an uphill fight these next four years, and I don’t know where I’ll fit in in this fight. But you can bet I’ll find my way.

Let me be VERY VERY clear. Yes, I am disappointed in our country, I am fearful for those who do not have the privileges that I do. I am PISSED because “as soon as we take one step forward we are taking two steps back”.

BUT! Please hear me loud and clear. I remain hopeful and optimistic. Don’t take my optimism as being comfortable in my privilege. Because I am no way comfortable. Having to tell my friends to be careful out there is in no way comforting! It’s terrifying!

BUT THIS IS WHY I USE MY PRIVILEGE TO FIGHT! ALL of this is why I am waking up every day and deciding that hate, bigotry and regression will not and cannot win! This is why I choose to say it forward with my words and make better happen with my actions.

For those of you who have been forced to feel less than because of Trump due to the color of your skin, where you or your family are from, who you choose to love (and so on), know that there are many of us who will not stop fighting for you! We will not run away RATHER we will stand firmly on American soil pushing for this place to wake up! So today and every day after, my goal will be to fight for hope, love, and progression so EVERYONE can truly feel like they have the right to the pursuit of TRUE happiness. I will use my anger, fear and sadness to push for better. And I will not stop! No one man can change that.

Presidents come and go, our values endure. The global trend towards authoritarian demagogues has now come ashore. But our darkest day will pass once again and sun will continue to come out tomorrow & we will have to continue fighting for what is right.

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