A legacy to live by!

This weekend we as a nation take a moment to remember the inspiring life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and honor the ideals of freedom, justice, equality anMartin-Luther-King-Day-of-Serviced compassion for which he fought so hard

Last year marked the 50th anniversary of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964. As we look toward another 50th anniversary in 2015 – this time of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – let’s remember how far we have come. And even though there is more work to be done, Dr. King’s legacy reminds us that we are a nation capable of great things when we work together.

On MLK Day, Americans across the country come together for a day of service, picking up the baton handed to us by past generations and carrying forward their efforts. As one people, we show that when ordinary citizens come together to participate in the democracy we love, justice will not be denied.

So my hope for the New Year is that we live each day in the spirit of Dr. King – compassionately, courageously and tolerantly. So make the commitment to serve your community throughout the year – and make MLK Day a day on, not a day off.

Thank You!


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