Good Bye 2014!

Dear Friends, goodbye-2014-welcome-2015-wallpaper-1024x737

With the end of 2014 quickly approaching, we are pause to give thanks for a time of family and friends, a time of reflection and thanks, a time of joy and peace. May we all come through safe and with honor!

Here’s to a year of toll-a year of straggle and peril, and a long step forward towards victory, the end of some chapter and the beginning of others in our lives. While life has continued as normal for many of us in this community and around the world, some of our friends, neighbors, or coworkers have been hit with unexpected tragedies or unspeakably painful situations. We pause to pray for those who left us and pray for their families comfort.

The New Year is the time of unfolding horizons and the realization of dreams, may you rediscover new strength and be able to rejoice in the comforts of your faith and family and the simple pleasures the life has to offer and put a brave front for all the challenges that may come your way. Wishing you and your loved one a happy holiday and a very safe, success and prosper New Year as always.

Thank You!

Movie Fifty Shades Darker (2017)

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