Cha (Tea) Adda!

Cha (Tea) Adda!

The Cha Adda is a traveling event created and hosted by Radwan Chowdhury. Cha Adda started with focus on small thing we all do in our daily lives, but make meaningful impacts for many around the world. It is the work of ordinary people doing extraordinary work to make the world a little better place.

The Cha Adda is an open conversation, ranging from the disempowerment of women to a lack of tolerance for unorthodox views are helping radicalize individuals and society. My personal vision for my life is that I want to become a writer whose words become weapons to battle with violence and discrimination against improvised children’s, women and young girls.  My voice is important for the voiceless who endure the trauma with agonizing silence; my voice is alive and is full of life; my voice is ambitious for it aims to bring positive changes; my voice is rebellious and does not obey any rule, any constraint; and my voice is powerful enough for change and success.

Bombs and missiles cannot defeat terrorism, because they play into the narrative of the terrorists that the only effective response to state monopolization of violence is more violence. And so the cycle repeats. It is important and imperative for us to invest more in foreign development and diplomacy as form of a Proactive approach to Educate and to Empower Citizens of Developing Country. We MUST advocate for strong and effective International Affairs.

We have to begin our civil rights quest in ERNEST—not by a quiet discussion in the corner, not by being the last topic of an agenda. The mission is critical; the task is challenging and lonely. There is NO ONE ELSE to turn to or give the task to.  We are it.  Our quest is noble, our challenge is enormous, our mission is sacred and we must not fail.  We must not fail our children.

“I will Continue to Study, till there is Nothing More to Learn.” Read it Forward * Out Innovate * Out Educate * Out Build!

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