Category Archive for "Human Rights"

What is Hunger and Poverty?

What is Poverty? Poverty is an acid that drips on pride until all pride is worn away. Poverty is a chisel that chips on honor until honor is worn away. Some of you say that you would do something in…

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How Poverty Increases Child Abuse

September 14, 2009

Child sexual abuse affects all strata of Bangladeshi society. Children are vulnerable from a very young age, with the risks for boys diminishing in their mid-teens as their physical strength increases. Overall, girls are much more at risk and children…

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Build a Community around the Masjid

Building a mosque is a prophetic and Islamic tradition of Muslim Communities. One of the first things that the Prophet Mohammed “Peace be upon him” did when he entered Medina, is to build a mosque, the mosque of Quba. Subsequently…

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End Child/Human Trafficking

Worldwide, 27 million people are victim of trafficking including sexual exploitation of those 5.5 million children are victims of forced labor and child trafficking. Child/Human trafficking can be likened to modern-day slavery. Human trafficking is a gross violation of human…

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Muslim Americans Could Play a Positive Role in an Ethical Society

Muslim teachings have a lot to offer when it comes to bringing personal values into public life and how best to live together. Let us agree on this: we live in pluralistic societies and pluralism is an unavoidable fact. We…

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A different and often forgotten class of veterans

This Memorial Day, let us give earnest thanks for the all the servicemen and women who have so bravely served and sacrificed themselves for our country so that we may enjoy liberty and freedom. And let us reflect upon and…

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“We can’t do everything but Everyone can do something”

My personal vision for my life is that I want to become a writer whose words become weapons to battle with violence and discrimination against improvised children’s, women and young girls. My voice is important for the voiceless who endure…

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